FAQ Topic: Permits and applications

What is needed before I sell my property?

A Certificate of Occupancy is needed for settlement. Complete Application for Real Estate Transfer – Clifton Heights, PA (proudcity.com) Fee is $100.00 per unit. Borough of Clifton Heights (jackrabbit.mobi) Schedule an inspection. Inspector’s will provide a report with items that need to be corrected. Reschedule follow up inspection, inspector will provide certificate needed for settlement.

How much is a zoning application?

The application for zoning & use fee is $75.00. Borough of Clifton Heights (jackrabbit.mobi) Do rental properties need to be registered with the borough? Yes, all rental properties need to be registered within the borough. To register, please complete Application for Rental License – Clifton Heights, PA (proudcity.com)  See breakdown of fees Code Enforcement Payments … Continued

Does a contractor need insurance?

Yes, all contractors need to provide their certificate of insurance and a PA state license number (HIC) when applying for a permit.

How can I get a permit to replace my roof?

Complete a building permit application.  Provide contractor’s certificate of insurance & PA state license number.  Fees are based on the price of the total job, see breakdown of fees  Code Enforcement Payments – Clifton Heights, PA (proudcity.com) Fees can be paid through our online payment system Borough of Clifton Heights (jackrabbit.mobi)

How do I get a permit?

Forward the following to our office, via mail, email or in person. Permit application – you can get from out website or stop in the office: 30 S. Springfield Rd Clifton Heights PA PA State License Certificate of Insurance Payment – fee is based off total price of job We will notify you after approval … Continued

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