What are the code department office hours?
The code department office hours are Monday – Friday 8:30AM to 4PM.
How can I get a permit to replace my roof?
Does a contractor need insurance?
Yes, all contractors need to provide their certificate of insurance and a PA state license number (HIC) when applying for a permit.
How much is a zoning application?
What is needed before I sell my property?
Is there a fee for a 2nd Use & Occupancy inspection?
No, two inspections are provided with a real estate transfer. The initial inspection and the follow up. There is a $50.00 fee for any additional inspections.
What is needed to open a new business?
Complete an Application for Zoning and Use – Clifton Heights, PA (proudcity.com) the fee is $75.00. Once the zoning application is approved. A business Use & Occupancy is needed Application for Business Use and Occupancy – Clifton Heights, PA (proudcity.com) followed by an inspection.
Do you have a list of contractors that work in the borough?
No, the borough does not recommend one contractor over another.
What is the procedure for getting a privacy fence put on my property?
Is there a list of requirements prior to an inspection for rental & real estate transfers?