Monday September 2, 2024, Labor Day NO TRASH Tuesday September 3rd and Thursday September 5th – NORTH SIDE TRASH PICKUP Wednesday September 4th and Friday September 6th – SOUTH SIDE TRASH PICKUP NO RECYCLING THIS WEEK.
Current borough activities: The school project is ongoing, with onsite demolitions of facilities and installation of construction trailers. The annual paving contract will begin next week throughout the borough. Please take note of parking restrictions for vehicles to be moved by 7:00 AM on streets being paved. Notices will be posted. Clifton Quarterly is on … Continued
Construction Update: The middle school project is the demolition and grading phases, which will transform the site into a level lot suitable for construction activities. Crews are working to install utilities and storm water management to the site. Residents with concerns regarding the construction and demolition activities are encouraged to contact New Roads Construction Management. … Continued
Middle School Update: The storm water management work along Sycamore Road continues. Contractors are preparing their trailers adjacent to Revere Road. Tree removal along Springfield Road and Oak Avenue continues. The exterminator and Clifton Heights Borough Health Officer continue to monitor rodent control measures.
Contractors are on site providing the required exterminating services. The borough is providing additional exterminating services to sewer and storm inlets throughout the area and will continue to do so. The required construction entrance and erosion and sediment controls located on Springfield Road are currently being completed. The contractor workforce is required to park on-site … Continued
Blood Drive Clifton Heights Boro Hall Council Room 30 S. Springfield Road Clifton Heights, PA 19018 Tuesday, July 23, 2024 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit and enter: Clifton Heights to schedule an appointment. Maximize your blood donation. Help more patients. If you are an eligible type O, … Continued
The project has been given permits to begin work. The entire property is now fenced off with an approved main construction gate on Springfield Road at Church Street. The contractors will begin removing interior fencing, lighting, and play equipment as the exterminator begins work. There is no scheduled earth moving this week. A ceremony will … Continued
CLIFTON HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: Fencing has been installed as noted previously around the School District site. The temporary fencing is installed for the safety of pedestrians. Chief Rockenbach and I have discussed and offer the following descriptions of pedestrian safe walkway around the site safely. South of Springfield Road heading North toward Westbrook … Continued
Key messages from the National Weather Service Borough Hall will be opened to the public as a cooling center during business hours. Any resident in need of cooling off may stop in from 8AM to 4PM M-F.