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August 15, 2024; Current Borough Activities Update

Posted on August 16, 2024

Current borough activities:

The school project is ongoing, with onsite demolitions of facilities and installation of construction trailers.

The annual paving contract will begin next week throughout the borough. Please take note of parking restrictions for vehicles to be moved by 7:00 AM on streets being paved. Notices will be posted.

Clifton Quarterly is on its way to your mailbox.

Construction activities have commenced for the planned Clifton Heights pocket park located on the corner of West Broadway Avenue and Springfield Road, providing storm water management. Upon completion, the pocket park will include a gazebo and rain garden feature for the water runoff from the borough parking lot. Once complete, a community recognition wall we be erected to honor the service of Police, Fire and Community Service members who have contributed to the betterment of Clifton Heights.

Thomas Micozzie

Borough Manager


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